No matter who you are, no matter where you are on life's journey, you are welcome here!
MISSION STATEMENT: We resolve to love, unite to serve, and commit to curiosity for God IS still speaking.
What is happening at the First Congregational Church, Watertown, SD?
Join us for upcoming events at the church every month. We have some special things planned and we would love for you to join us. This is a great opportunity to meet new people, join in some fun activities, and learn more about our faith.
We have Women’s Fellowship, Bible Study, Crafters Fare, and Sunday mornings church services at 10 am, every is welcome.
The event / birthday calendar has more of the listings.
We look forward to seeing you.
Wed. Message
December 18, 2024
Maybe you’ve heard about “the War on Christmas.” That phrase started appearing on TV news networks and on social media several years ago — especially on conservative stations and websites. The people who claim that there is a War on Christmas warn us of insidious, secular forces bent on destroying Christianity in America. The evidence of a War of Christmas, they say, is everywhere. Starbucks’ holiday coffee cups don’t explicitly mention the birth of Jesus. Retail workers have started saying, “Happy Holidays!” instead of “Merry Christmas.” Today it’s “Happy Holidays.” Tomorrow, who knows?
I don’t think there’s such a thing as a War on Christmas. For one thing, it’s not the responsibility of Starbucks to spread the gospel; that responsibility falls on Christians. Besides, I really don’t think the words “Happy Holidays” are going to make true Christians forget about Jesus being the “reason for the season.”
What I’m far more concerned about is the War on Advent. Now, there’s a season of the Christian calendar that’s really vulnerable!
The season of Advent coincides with the greater part of the Christmas shopping season. We all know the Christmas shopping season’s getting longer: Black Friday took a bite out of Thanksgiving this year, with all the big-box stores that stayed open. How can the four puny candles on the Advent wreath compete with the light show down at the mall — or even the Christmas lights strung across Main Street?
Advent’s meant to be a season of simplicity, of quiet reflection, of anticipation and waiting patiently. These aren’t exactly things that American culture is known for. Advent is the season when we hear the song of Mary, who sang:
“God has shown strength with his arm;
he has scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts.
He has brought down the powerful from their thrones,
and lifted up the lowly;
He has filled the hungry with good things,
and sent the rich away empty.”
These aren’t exactly the values of a consumer-driven shopping season.
The world out there, with its countdown clock of shopping days before Christmas, is urging us, “Go, and do!” The church of Jesus Christ, during Advent, is saying something radically different. It’s quite countercultural, in its own way. The church is saying, “Go, and be!” Be followers of Christ. Be children of God. Be prepared, for he is coming soon and very soon.
That is what Advent is all about.
Pastor Dustin
Christmas Fund Offering; Sunday, December 22, 2024
Sunday, December 22, 2024 during the worship service, the youth will be presenting their annual
Christmas program. Please make an effort to join us for worship on that Sunday and every Sunday.
Thank you Rachel Clendenin for putting this together.
Also we will be having cookies after the Christmas program on the 22nd. Please join us to celebrate the Christmas program and the children of the church. ~ Rachel
Tuesday, December 24, 2024, Christmas Eve, candlelight worship service at 5:30 pm, please everyone
be sure to join us.
Meals On Wheels, Monday, January 6, 2025 through Friday, January 10, 2025, if you are able to help deliver meals, please call Lynne Forbush, 605-880-5379, to let her know. Your help is always appreciated
UCC Annual Meeting, tentatively set for Sunday, January 19, 2025, following the worship service with a pot luck meal.
Bible Study, the 2nd & 4th Sunday of the month at 3PMwith Pastor Dustin, everyone is always welcome to
join us.
Please join us upstairs before church and downstairs in the Fellowship Hall following the worship service on Sunday mornings for coffee and treats, everyone is always welcome.
Rachel’s Hope is looking for volunteers to help to provide personal hygiene and cleaning products to needy families. Rachel’s sister Amanda has been doing this alone but now needs help stocking shelves, filling and delivering orders. If you can help in any way please let me know or add your name to the sign up sheet in the narthex. Thank you, Lynne 605 880-5379
If you have not received your directory photographs yet,please call their customer service number at
1-888-742-5823. You will need to provide our church code #: sd137.
You can also call the customer service number if you would like to order additional photographs. You will need to provide them with the church code #: sd137. Thank you! Susan
Money Counters:
Dec 22 Cyndy Voight
Dec 29 Wayne Johnson
Jan 5 Melissa Pond
Do we have your correct information?
If you have moved, taken out your landline, changed cell numbers, switched email addresses, etc.
We would greatly appreciate a note, email or phone call so we can update our records, Call or email:
605-886-6994 or
A big thank you to the following who delivered Meals on Wheels the week of Oct. 28 - November 1: Glen
Robel, Ken & Wendy Fransen, Don & Jan Goldhorn, Jo Gardner & Curt Kost, Dan & Cyndy Voight, Sue & Alan
Pearson, Rosanne Dyce-Anderson & Rose Moehring, Frank Kitterman, and Mitzi Heath & Cheri Larson. In
addition to meals this group also delivered Thanksgiving cards that many of you signed. This is the last time our
church will deliver meals this year and will next be responsible in early January 2025. I would like to recognize
Don & Marlys Moore for the many years they have delivered Meals on Wheels. They
have decided to retire and now deserve a heartfelt round of applause and our thanks.
Lynne Forbush